8 year-old Tayyaba is a Hafiz Quran student at AMWT’s Madrasa Kahori. A year ago, her parents could never have dreamed that their blind, little girl would be receiving an education.

Tayyaba was born with congenital cataract. Her condition developed over the years until she could barely see. Her parents could tell early on that Tayyaba had a keen interest in learning. But this only made them more sad for their daughter, for whom acquiring an education was impossible.

Tayyaba’s family lives in Athmoqam, a small village on the outskirts of Muzaffarabad. Here there is no proper medical care and no schools for children with special needs. Her father scrapes by on a minimal income, barely able to feed his family. Even if he could afford to send his daughter away to a school in another town, how would she learn to read and write? How would she care for herself without eye-sight?

Tayyaba’s life took a sudden turn the day her father heard about Al Mustafa Welfare Trust’s work in supporting and rehabilitating the blind. Tayyaba was given a screening, after which her father was informed that she’d be able to see after a minor cataract operation. What’s more, she could undergo the surgery, free of charge. He couldn’t believe his ears.

After Tayyaba’s eye-sight was restored to her, AMWT enrolled her at Madrasa Kahori. Today she is well on her way to becoming a hafiz.

So many children like Tayyaba would not be where they are today if it weren’t for the ongoing generosity of AMWT donors. Thank you for all your help, and please continue to support us.

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