Let’s work together to give remote, isolated, and impoverished communities access to their very own Mosque. The Mosque is an essential pillar of the Islamic community – a centre for prayer and worship, as well as important community events and social gatherings.
Many Muslims across the world rely on their local Mosques for these reasons and plenty more but sadly, not every Muslim community is fortunate enough to have access to a nearby Mosque with all the necessary facilities and amenities.
We are on a mission to change that, and with the ongoing support of our generous donors, we can continue to build new Mosques alongside renovating existing buildings.
Donate now to help complete the construction & reap the endless reward of Sadaqah Jahria
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Your donation will provide
can fund the construction of a small Mosque serving 120 Muslims.
Your donation will provide
could build a medium Mosque serving 300 Muslims.
Your donation will provide
can construct a large Mosque with the capacity to serve 600 Muslims.
By supporting Al Mustafa Welfare Trust’s build a Masjid project, not only will you be actively helping to found an important centre for worship and community, but you will also be building your own palace in Jannah, Insha’Allah. A dedicated place in which to pray, read and recite the Holy Qur’an, and nourish your soul is so important, but unfortunately, Muslim communities in the developing world do not always have this option. Donating to our build a Masjid project will help to provide a blessed Mosque for our brothers and sisters in Asia and Africa, ensuring that they can join the global Ummah in experiencing the joy of worship and community that a Masjid can bring.
Our One Mosque, One Palace appeal isn’t just about constructing new Mosques. Thanks to the continued generosity of our donors, we can also renovate existing Mosques, providing valuable new facilities and amenities that benefit the entire community. It is a wonderful experience to go to the Mosque regularly to pray alongside your brothers and sisters. Now, you can give less fortunate Muslims the same experience by providing dedicated prayer spaces and facilities.
* Pictures are for illustration purposes only. The visual style & size of our Mosques may vary depending on location.
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© Copyright 2023. Al Mustafa Welfare Trust® is a registered charity in England & Wales (1118492) and UK registered company 05581896.