Help make a difference to the world's poorest and vulnerable by fundraising with your friends through sports, quizzes, recycling, merchandising, online giving or events. Every donation you give could save so many people’s lives and your personal contribution will make you feel so proud!
Some of the ways you can Fundraise
Fundraising by Organising Small Events
- Family Fun Fair – Summer Fun Fairs – Eid Fun Fairs you can set up various stalls and advertise to sell the stalls, this can be done at large scale and small scale like in park or in Mosque or in small community hall for example:
- Face painting, Food stalls, Hina/Mehndi stalls, Jewellery, Clothes, Perfumery/ Attar, Magic show, Games, and Barbeque, Horse riding, cakes, Petting Zoo, Children learning Activities, Arts and Craft, Bouncy Castle, Rides, Charity Auctions.
- Art/drawing/ Crafting competitions – especially for children, as this would encourage children to be involved in welfare work.
Fundraising by Indoor/Outdoor Sports
You can organise indoor tournaments among your family and friends for below games and charge entry fee. AMWT® can provide full support with marketing material and help you make your tournament successful. All proceeds will go to our charity. Examples of sporting tournaments are:
- Football 5-A-Side/Table Football
- Badminton
- Hockey
- Tennis
- Golf
- Ten Pin Bowling
- Pool/Snooker
- Go-Karting
- Running