Sami ur-Rehman is from a poor, farming village in Faisalabad. His family are agricultural workers, and have been for generations.
Sami grew up working on the family fields with his father and uncle. A couple of months ago, asking Sami what he wants to be when he grows up would have been like a bad joke. Poverty makes children in these parts grow up very quickly. And with no opportunities for an education, Sami would have little choice but to follow in his father’s footsteps. When his grandfather died, things changed for Sami. On his deathbed, the old man had one last wish: that Sami be given a Quranic education so that he could become a Hafiz. Sami’s father, Mohammad Bashir, was in a dilemma. He barely made enough to sustain his family. How was he supposed to send a son to school? The tuition fees alone would be unaffordable. On top of which, there were no proper schools in their village. If they sent Sami away, where would the boy stay? It was by chance that Mohammad Bashir heard about Al Mustafa Welfare Trust’s (AMWT) Hafiz Sponsorship Programme. It wasn’t long after he approached them, that our team found Sami a sponsor, and had him enrolled at Jamia Nizamia School in Lahore. The sponsorship Sami receives, just just pay for his studies. It covers the cost of his room and board at the school, as well as the cost of clothing, and basic healthcare. Today Sami has a chance to dream about what he might one to be when he grows up. He’s been given the opportunity to develop himself and learn knowledge he an pass onto others. He’s being given the tools to work for a better future in which he can help raise his family out of poverty.