Sadaqah Jariyah means ongoing charity, a guaranteed recurring reward based upon good actions or deeds that keep on giving. These benefits and rewards will continue to benefit us even after death, in the Hereafter.

You can change lives for the better with your zakat donation. By the will of Allah, today we can prepare for the future. So, remember it’s never too late to help those in need of your fortune.

Read up on Sadaqah hadith to appreciate the importance and types of charity you can donate towards. 

types of sadaqa jariya

There are many types of Sadaqa Jariya we can partake in today to ensure we gain maximum reward. Keep reading for more information on some of the ways you can give regularly with Al Mustafa Welfare Trust, to discover more about Sadaqah, how it works and what you can do to make an impact on those around you.

إذا مات الإنسان انقطع عنه عمله الا من ثلاثة الا من صدقة جارية أو علم ينتفع به أو ولد صالح يدعو له

“When a man passes away, his worldly acts come to an end, but three acts; recurring charity, knowledge (by which others) benefit or a pious son who prays for him will bear continuous reward (for the deceased).”

- Sahih Muslim

Your Sadaqah Jariyah FAQ

What is Sadaqah Jariyah?

Sadaqah Jariyah (or Sadaqah) is not only an act of faith but an act of philanthropy; it is about supporting those less fortunate through continuous charitable contributions. Though one of the most common forms of Sadaqah is the giving of regular charity donations, Sadaqah Jariyah gifts aren't always monetary. Anything that can have an impact and be beneficial to others is welcome; this can include the giving of religious texts or materials, along with knowledge, skills or time spent fundraising for an altruistic cause. The details of your Sadaqah contributions are almost completely unrestricted, as long as what you are doing is benefitting others.

Why Do We Make Sadaqah Contributions?

The purpose of Sadaqah is to make a difference. We give Sadaqah with the goal of benefitting those less fortunate than us. In every aspect of Islam, we are taught to support one another and help our less fortunate brothers and sisters through whatever struggles they are experiencing. Sadaqah Jariyah is an extension of this, encouraging us to spread our generosity and become closer to Allah (SWT) in the process.  

Donate Sadaqah Jariyah here

Who is Eligible to Pay Sadaqah?

Unlike most of the other regular charitable contributions that Muslims must undertake, Sadaqah is not compulsory. Sadaqah is about a conscious decision to support those less fortunate than yourself and as a result, all Muslims are free to give Sadaqah Jariyah gifts whenever they please, as much as they please. Through making Sadaqah donations, donors know that they are making a difference in the world, benefitting their mindset whilst simultaneously improving their standing in the Hereafter.

How Much Should We Pay for Sadaqah Jariyah?

As previously mentioned, Sadaqah is not a compulsory act of charity; instead, it is a completely voluntary one and as a result, the amount that must be donated is not specified. This is amplified by the fact that whilst donating to eligible causes is the most common form of Sadaqah, you can also impart knowledge or give spiritual items as part of your Sadaqah Jariyah gift, too. There is no predefined rule for how much you give or what you do, so long as you are benefitting others.

When and Where Do We Give  Sadaqah?

Sadaqah can be given at any time during the year. However, the most important point to consider is that Sadaqah Jariyah means ‘ongoing charity’ and in turn, ensuring that your donations are regular will amplify the benefits that you gain from them. Note that donations don’t need to be large; small Sadaqah gifts are just as important and valuable, as long as whatever you are doing makes an impact with those around you.

Giving your Sadaqah gifts with Al Mustafa Welfare Trust is a brilliant way of ensuring that whatever you must give is making a difference. Whether you are looking to donate just a few pounds a month, or want to fund a complete cataract surgery, we can utilise your Sadaqah contribution to make an impact on the most vulnerable individuals in the world. Whilst the benefits of Sadaqah stay with you into the Hereafter, they also impact you within your daily life, boosting your mood with the knowledge that you are helping those in need.

Is Sadaqah Jariyah the Same as Zakat?

Sadaqah and Zakat differ greatly. Zakat is a compulsory donation which requires 2.5% of your annual wealth to be donated to charitable causes. Furthermore, Zakat has strict eligibility guidelines and a wealth threshold called the nisab, which indicates whether you are wealthy enough to warrant making a contribution.

On the other hand, Sadaqah is a completely voluntary donation with no restrictions on eligibility at all. Whoever you are and whatever your wealth, if you choose to support others through a Sadaqah contribution, you can.

Ensure Your Sadaqah Makes a Difference

Today, you can begin your journey towards reaping the benefits of a regular, ongoing Sadaqah donation. The Al Mustafa Welfare Trust team continually strive to access and help our struggling brothers and sisters across the globe, working towards a safe and peaceful world for everyone. Using your Sadaqah Jariyah gifts, we can deliver even more effective medical treatment, food aid and general support.

Bring hope to those less fortunate than ourselves and give generously to the Al Mustafa Welfare Trust.

Get our monthly charity updates and feedback reports on how your donations are being spent by subscribing to our newsletter.

Call us for information 0208 569 6444


© Copyright 2023. Al Mustafa Welfare Trust® is a registered charity in England & Wales (1118492) and UK registered company 05581896.

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