Fidya is the compensation Muslims pay for not keeping fast during Ramadan.
Fidya is owed when a Muslim cannot keep a fast due to various unavoidable factors. Fidya donations comprise a donation to feed someone in need for each day of fasting missed. Should a fast be missed due to illness or travel, where you can make up for it after the month of Ramadan, then this should be repaid.
“If Allah were to punish men for their wrong-doing, he would not leave, on the earth, a single living creature” (16:61).
Mistakes, failures, not reaching our best; happen to everyone. But as he is just, he is also merciful. He puts in place systems for dealing with our moments of weakness, even in the holiest of times.
Select from the donations below
Your donation will provide
Expiation of one missed fast due to unavoidable/acceptable excuse* (i.e. long term illness)
Your donation will provide
Expiation of 30 missed fast due to unavoidable/acceptable excuse* (i.e. long term illness)
Yes, Fidya is compulsory for those who are unable to observe fasting during the holy month of Ramadan for any valid reason, such as illness, old age, etc. It is a form of compensation so that a person who cannot keep fast can still meet their religious duties by offering food for every missed day.
It is an obligation and a way to show gratitude to Allah by helping the needy ones. It reminds us of the spirit of Ramadan while bringing blessings to those in need throughout the month.
Fidya and Kaffarah are forms of compensation in Islam, but their purposes are different. Fidya is given by those who cannot fast due to authentic reasons, while Kaffarah is a penalty for breaking fast without a valid excuse.
Another reason is that Fidya involves feeding the poor for each missed fast, while Kaffarah demands fasting for 60 consecutive days or feeding 60 hungry people. Both acts of generosity help people in need and preserve the dignity of fasting.
Fidya is important in Islam because it allows those people who are unable to fast to participate in the blessings of Ramadan. It shows kindness, commitment, and compassion to uphold the principles of charity and care for others.
When you pay Fidya, you are helping those people who are suffering to meet their basic needs. Islam also emphasizes helping each other and ensuring no one is left behind during the holy month of Ramadan. .
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