The Holy month of Ramadan is almost upon us; once again, it is time to partake in the fast, purify our mind, body and spirit, and work to become closer to Allah (SWT).
Key Ramadan 2024 Dates
Sunday 10th March – the beginning of Ramadan 2024
Monday 11th March – the first day of sawm (fasting)
Saturday 06th April – Laylat al-Qadr (The Night of Power)
Tuesday 9th April– final day of sawm (fasting)
Wednsday 10th April – Eid-ul-Fitr
* All dates are subject to the sighting of the moon.
As the Islamic calendar follows the lunar cycle, the month of Ramadan rotates by approximately ten days each year, depending on the sighting of the moon.
In 2024, it is expected that Ramadan will begin on the evening of Sunday 10th March, with the first day of fasting on Monday 11th March. The arrival of Ramadan also brings ample opportunity to reap infinite blessing and reward. During this auspicious month, remember to donate your zakat and any other contributions with Al Mustafa Welfare Trust.
Adjustments with respect to London.
Please confirm with your local mosque.
The Five Pillars of Islam
The five core Pillars of Islam are:
Help Others this Ramadan
Giving generously and helping others is highly rewarded in Islam at all times, but during the month of Ramadan, blessings and rewards are greatly multiplied. Donate with Al Mustafa Welfare Trust and help us in our aim to continue supporting those less fortunate.
Ramadan in UK
In the UK, Muslims will be fasting during Ramadan 2024 for approximately 14 hours each day. The exact times of suhoor and iftar will vary between cities due to geography and their positioning in relation to the sun.
Ramadan 2024
Ramadan is a beautiful time for reflection, worship and doing good deeds, and perhaps the additional quietness and solitude will help form the perfect space to facilitate this. In Ramadan, we should focus on remembrance of Allah (swt) (dhikr), performing salah, making prayer and doing good deeds.
One of the most important things we can do, is give in charity. Around the world, millions are living in poverty and facing hunger, thirst, war and illness on unprecedented levels. At Al Mustafa Welfare Trust, this Ramadan we are asking you one big question:
Ramadan calendar 2024
As Ramadan is based on the lunar calendar and the sighting of the moon, the exact dates for the Ramadan calendar for 2024 will not be confirmed until the evening before the beginning of the new month, depending on the sighting of the moon.
Due to the phases of the moon in the lunar calendar, each lunar year is roughly ten days shorter than the usual calendar we look at. This means Ramadan moves approximately ten days earlier each year, and the month does not have fixed dates. This is why over time, Ramadan falls across different seasons, and the length of the daily fasts change depending on the number of daylight hours.