70 year-old Phool Begum lives on the outskirts of Muzaffarabad, Pakistan. Phool had been living with glaucoma for 23 years. When she came to us she had very nearly lost her eye-sight.

A mother of seven, Phool lost her husband when she was 55. Paying for eye-care was simply not possible for her family, who are barely able to survive on their limited means. So when Phool Begum was offered a free eye screening and then an operation that could restore her vision, she couldn’t believe ears.

Last month, Phool underwent surgery at the Al Mustafa Welfare Trust (AMWT) eye care camp in Muzaffarabad. Now Phool is able to see again and has become self-reliant. As they enter the Holy Month of Ramadan, with such a great gift, she and her family feel they could not have asked for more.

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