Malak Moa’mar Fadel Shamaly is 6 years old. Getting an education has always been important in her family.

Despite their limited means, her parents work extra hard to ensure she and her siblings can go to school. A year ago, Malak started attending Al Bashir kindergarten in her hometown, Gaza. Several months in, she had trouble keeping up with the class. When asked why, Malak complained that she couldn’t see what was on the blackboard. It was then the adults around her realised that Malak had poor eyesight.

Barely able to afford school fees, Malak’s parents were at a loss when faced with the high cost of visiting an optometrist. So it was a great relief when they were referred to Al Mustafa Welfare Trust (AMWT).

Malak was offered free check ups at AMWT’s Medical Centre and Optometry Clinic. She was diagnosed with Myopia and prescribed corrective glasses. The cost of her spectacles were also covered by AMWT.

Before, Malak never knew that she couldn’t see clearly. The dramatic difference her new spectacles made to her vision came as a wonderful surprise. Since then, Malak has caught up with her classmates, and enjoys kindergarten a great deal more.

Like Malak, many children are held back by a want for the simplest of life’s essentials: Like the ability to see clearly. Often, many don’t even know their vision is impaired. They go through life white-knuckling it to keep up with their peers. But one small donation of £35 can change that for good.

Your donation will ensure AMWT can carry offering free eye-care to some of the poorest communities in the developing world.

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