67 year-old Tufail Hussain has cancer. Since his wife died, seven years ago, he’s been trying to survive on his own.

A retired postman, Tufail is wheelchair bound and needs constant care and medical attention. But he has very limited means and cannot afford either. Through the generosity of donors, AMWT has been able to provide Tufail with the medical assistance and care he needs. We cover the cost of his treatment, medication and have supplied him with a full time carer. Tufail Hussain is among the 90 men and women who regularly attend our care home for the elderly in Lahore.  Here, Tufail receives warm meals and enjoys the company of others.  Our staff at the care home endeavour to keep patients active with events like birthdays. On special occasions, AMWT distributes shoes, clothing, and often monetary aid among beneficiaries. With ongoing support from donors, we'll be able to provide people like Tufail with the ease and comfort they deserve in old age, after a long life of struggle. AMWT supports hundreds of vulnerable, elderly people living in poverty in Pakistan, just like Tufail. We provide them with medical aid, financial support and regular care.

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