In our work with the elderly poor of Pakistan, Jamshed Soomro is possibly the loneliest, most destitute man we’ve ever met. He is also the most content.

"I'm thankful to Allah who helped me by giving me good health,” Says Jamshed. There’s a beautiful light in his face; an easy contentment in his smile, which puts one’s heart at ease. “Because of my good health, I'm able to still walk to the Masjid for prayers. Prayers are my life and my best company."

Jamshed lives in a tiny mud-hut with a straw roof. Among his few possessions is a bed, on which he prefers to sleep outdoors. Jamshed was a teacher at his local primary school, in Thar, in Pakistan’s Sindh province. He never had children of his own, but he worked hard to educate and cultivate the children of his village. Jamshed dedicated his life to spreading knowledge, teaching good words and good manners.

"After the death of my life partner, I became half dead," explains Jamshed, who still finds her loss painful. But he’s found ways to be comforted even in his loneliness. Jamshed’s home is located behind his local mosque, where he spends most of his time in prayer or service. He supports the mosque staff and tries to be useful to congregants in any way he’s able. "My masjid fellows are so kind and sympathetic,” he says. “They share my feelings and problems. Because of them, I forget my own loneliness."

It’s true that years of hardship have made Jamshed look older than his 71 years. But his was a life spent in the service of Allah’s (swt) pleasure, and he couldn’t ask for more from this world. Jamshed has no doubt that Allah (swt) will continue to provide for him till the end. He sees us as just doing his Master’s work.

AMWT’s Honour the Elderly program is honoured to support Jamshed. We provide him with food, clothing and a small stipend for his basic needs. If you want to share this honour, donate now, or sponsor and older person like Jam for just £14 a month.

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