Munawwar Din is 65 years-old. After living with Bilateral Cataract for years, he can now see again.

Din was the Imam at his local masjid, in his small village on the outskirts of Muzaffarabad. For people like him, blindness meant the end of an independent, self-sufficient life. For many years he white-knuckled it, enduring injury and traffic accidents while crossing roads, just to be able continue going to his masjid. But eventually he was forced to give up his duties as imam and started living in home confinement.

Under normal circumstances, Din would have suffered silently in his disability. Just one more statistic in the 80% of the world’s visually impaired, who live in developing countries. Scraping by with no knowledge that his blindness can be cured. Thanks to you, that wasn’t how his story ended.

Munawar Din underwent his first cataract surgery at Al Mustafa Welfare Trust’s mobile eye-care camp in 2013. Our staff in Muzaffarabad operated on his left eye first. Two years later he came in for his second surgery. Now Din is not only able to see in both eyes, he’s also been given a pair of corrective spectacles to improve his vision.

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