“My mother always told me that after we lost my grandmother to cancer, my father’s dream was that he could see me as a doctor one day. But after my father died, this dream became impossible. My mother couldn’t even afford our basic needs.” -Aamina Khan
Aamina Khan lost her father when she was only five. For three years, her mother and two sisters struggled to eek out an existence in Old City, Lahore.
It was with the grace of Allah (swt) that Aamina’s mother found out about Al-Mustafa Welfare Trust (AMWT). She sought out our head office in Lahore and applied for orphan sponsorship for her daughters. It wasn’t long before all three were allocated a sponsor. Soon after we enrolled the girls at our local school.
Today Aamina is 8 years-old. A child mature beyond her age, Aamina is an extra ordinary student who is catching up very quickly at school for her years outside education.
“Alhumdulillah through AMWT, my sisters and I are getting very good education. I hope we’ll continue to receive regular support so that one day I can fulfill my father’s dream.”
At AMWT, the primary focus of our Orphan Sponsorship Programme are orphan girls. In developing countries, orphan girls miss out on school, become child brides and are denied the most basic of health services. They are vulnerable to exploitation and abuse. At AMWT, we envision a future in which every girl gets a healthy start, the opportunity to learn and is protected from harm.