Shaguftta Riaz received Qurbani meat during AMWT’s distribution in Kashmir this Eid. Barely able to scrape by on her husband’s meagre income, she and her family live in extreme poverty. Their home is a two room, grass thatched structure, which leaks badly when it rains.

Here’s what Shaguftta had to say when she received her Qurbani parcel:

'Meat is a rare luxury. We don’t even get to enjoy it once a month. My friends say if you don’t eat meat regularly the body lacks proteins and you can suffer from malnutrition related diseases. If one of us does get ill the nearest health centre is almost 30km away.’

‘Thanks to AMWT’s donors, I will be able to provide good quality food for my family over the next few days. If this Qurbani service was not here I would not have tasted meat this month.'

At AMWT, our seasonal Qurbani campaign allows us to boost our efforts to tackle hunger in the developing world. But we don’t stop feeding people when Eid al-Adha has passed. Throughout the year, AMWT distributes food packs in deprived communities. If you can, please help us to continue providing food to families like Shaguftta’s.

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