Basit Ali is 67 years old. For 30 years, he worked as one of the dispensable millions in Pakistan’s labour industry.

Basit Ali worked at a brick factory, under harsh conditions that were detrimental to his health. Eventually when it took its toll on his eyesight, he couldn’t even afford to consult an optometrist.

In a country where 180 million people live below the poverty line, and where there is no national health service, a factory worker has little chance of affording medical care. This is the only reality Basit Ali has known. So when he’d started losing his eyesight, he was preparing himself for a life of darkness and dependence on others. His greatest worry was how his family of seven would survive when he’d no longer be able to earn a living.

At AMWT, we believe no one should have to suffer needlessly, and in silence. That’s why we run eye-care camps, providing free treatment to underprivileged communities across the developing world. To date, Basit Ali was one of thousands who’ve received free cataract surgery from AMWT’s eye restoration programme.

Today Basit Ali can see again. He can take care of his basic daily needs without depending on others. He can read the Holy Qur’an and attend prayers at his local mosque. He can resume his job at the local brick factory in Mian Channu. Basit Ali cannot be more grateful for these things that many of us would take for granted. For him, restored eye-sight was no less than a miracle –and it only cost one AMWT donor £35.

A mere £35 can give one person like Basit Ali independence through the ability to see again. It can save a family from destitution.

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