Reflecting on Al Mustafa's Cancer Awareness Events

Al Mustafa Welfare Trust recently hosted two impactful Cancer Awareness events in partnership with RM Partners NHS. These events aimed to educate the public, support those affected, and contribute to the ongoing fight against cancer.

Thanks to the support of our local partners, including the Social Prescribing Team, Healthy Hounslow, and Busy Bodies, who joined us in raising awareness about cancer.

Cancer Awareness Seminar

The first Cancer Awareness Seminar event was held on July 17th, 2024, at the Heston & District Community Association. This seminar brought together health professionals, cancer survivors, and attendees in a space for learning and supporting one another. Participants heard from the Macmillan team, who provided valuable insights into cancer prevention, early detection, and treatment options. Moreover, survivors shared their journeys, spreading hope and encouragement.

This event raised cancer awareness by distributing translated leaflets that explained how to detect early signs of cancer and who to contact for help. It also provided a platform to gather and discuss existing services while introducing residents to other amazing resources they may not have been aware of before.

Cancer Awareness Event

Charity Walk

Following the seminar, Al Mustafa Welfare Trust organized a Charity Walk at Chiswick House & Gardens on August 6th, 2024. This 3K walk symbolized solidarity with cancer patients and aimed to raise funds to support research efforts and cancer care. The event featured talks by health professionals, refreshments, and an awards ceremony, celebrating the collective effort to restore hope to those affected by cancer.

While these events were successful, the fight against cancer is far from over. The journey of awareness, support, and research must continue. We are called upon to sustain this momentum through donations that support cancer patient care and educational initiatives.

Your contributions can help continue the valuable work started by these events and ensure that more lives are saved through early detection, improved treatment options, and care. Donate to Al Mustafa Welfare Trust and join us in our ongoing efforts to combat cancer. Together, we can restore hope and save the lives of many fighting this fatal disease.

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