Why do we give Qurbani?

The blessed tradition of Qurbani - sometimes known as Udhiyah in Arabic - was passed down to us by our Prophet Ibrahim (as) and Ismail (as), reflecting on their ultimate love and devotion to Allah (swt). The words ‘Qurbani’ and ‘Udhiyah’ mean sacrifice.

Every year Muslims around the world slaughter an animal – a goat, a sheep, a cow or a camel – to reflect Prophet Ibrahim’s willingness to sacrifice his son Ismail for the sake of God, following a dream he had instructing him to do so.

At least 1/3 of the meat must be distributed among the poor and needy. Traditionally, one-third of your Qurbani meat would be given to disadvantaged Muslims around the world, with another third given to neighbours and the final third kept for your own family. Now, many people choose to give their entire Qurbani to those in need, helping to ease their suffering.

Is Qurbani FARZ or Sunnah?

“Once our beloved Prophet Muhammad (saw) was asked, what is Qurbani? The Prophet (saw) answered: ‘It is the Sunnah of your father Ibrahim (AS). For every hair of the Qurbani you receive a reward from Allah (swt)” – Tirmidhi.

There is some difference in opinion regarding whether or not Qurbani is mandatory or optional.

A lot of scholars believe giving Qurbani is wajib, which means it is highly recommended. There are different views on whether or not wajib acts are considered mandatory or whether they are optional.

In the Shafi’i school of thought, Qurbani is considered as sunnah mu’akadah, which means it is a very important sunnah but it is not compulsory.

Performing Qurbani carries huge amounts of rewards no matter the specific ruling on whether it is compulsory or optional. The Prophet Muhammad (saw) encouraged us to give Qurbani, and he would himself give two – one for himself and one on behalf of a person in need. Join us to revive the sunnah of the prophetic Qurbani and give two Qurbanis for £40.

Can we give money instead of Qurbani?

In order to fulfil the duty of Qurbani, an animal must be sacrificed and at least one-third of the meat needs to be distributed among the poor. Money cannot be given as an alternative for Qurbani, but can be given as sadaqah or lillah.

Can I give Qurbani for my father?

While Qurbani must be given on an individual basis if the people are required to pay Zakat, one member of the household can offer Qurbani on behalf of others with their permission.

Who can give Qurbani?

Qurbani should be given by all sane, Muslim adults who pay Zakat. This means they have wealth that exceeds the nisab threshold. Children do not need to offer Qurbani and it does not need to be paid on their behalf.

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