Al Mustafa Welfare Trust needs your support in order to help those caught up in the ongoing conflict in Gaza. Thousands of families have been left with little more than the most basic supplies. Over 120,000 residents are left with no choice but to live without the bare necessities.
The majority of Gaza’s schools and hospitals have been destroyed. Those few that are still standing are overcrowded. Medicine & medical treatments have become unaffordable.
Similarly, food & clean water is in very short supply. Without your donations and the charity work we have already carried out in Gaza, the number of people forced to go hungry or get turned away without medical help would be far higher.
Help us to reach even more people in Gaza! Donate what you can today and help us to continue to change the lives of the Palestinian people for the better.
Our teams are exclusively working with UN registered partners to provide essential aid.
Get our monthly charity updates and feedback reports on how your donations are being spent by subscribing to our newsletter.
Call us for information 0208 569 6444
© Copyright 2023. Al Mustafa Welfare Trust® is a registered charity in England & Wales (1118492) and UK registered company 05581896.