A Palestinian boy Abu Al Hindi looks at the charred walls of the Baitul Maqdis at the time of Iftar during the Month of Holy Ramadan last year in Jerusalem. He was looking grimed but he was fasting. He had lost his whole family in the Israel war invaded upon Palestine. He was sad. He was help-less. He was homeless. He was foodless. The boy with his 4 siblings was liv-ing in his grand dad’s home but it was not enough for them. Grand dad was a poor family with limited means of income. It was not possible for them to look after 5 more children. But there was no way out.
Abu Al Hindi’s father Walid Abdel Fattah Ali was a shop keeper in Jerusa-lem. He and his wife with 5 children were living happily. Children were at-tending school dreaming high to become high ups after completing their ed-ucation to serve their Muslim brothers sisters. But one day their dream was broken into ashes. In July 2015, a horrible misfortune that could happen anywhere in Gaza and Jerusalem, devastated their homes by the bomb shelling of Israel forces. Walid Abdel Fattah Ali and his wife wre kicked in this attack. Children were alone for crying whole life.
This was the story narrated by the poor boy Abu Al Hindi to the Al Musta-fa Wefare team during distribution of Ifatr in the Masjid Al Quds last year. AMWT provided the children food for sahoor and Iftar for the whole month for this family.
Our Beloved Prophet has declared: Crossing the Sirat Bridge will be easier for a person who provides a guest with food to break his fast. [Wasilat-un Najat]