Donate a Lifesaving Gift in Muharram 

Millions of people struggle to access clean water, especially in developing countries. Water scarcity is more severe in rural areas where families rely on unreliable sources like polluted wells or distant rivers. Beyond affecting daily activities, a lack of clean water poses significant health risks to those living in water-scarce areas.

According to the SDG Report 2022, around two billion people lack access to clean drinking water. Many women and children are forced to walk great distances to fetch water, which is often contaminated. In Africa and Asia, women and children walk an average of 3.7 miles to collect water, carrying about 20 liters each trip.

Honoring Karbala's Legacy: Donate Water Wells This Muharram

The incident of Karbala and Imam Hussain's (RA) martyrdom is closely linked to the importance of water. Imam Hussain (RA) and his companions suffered from thirst as they were denied access to water during the battle. Honor their sacrifice this holy month by donating water to those in need. Donating a water well in Muharram is a meaningful way to embody the spirit of service and compassion associated with this month. Al Mustafa Welfare Trust works globally to provide people with clean water. Donate to this worthy cause and help quench thirst around the world.

Narrated by Sa'd bin Ubadah:

"I said, 'O Allah's Messenger (PBUH)! My mother died; will it benefit her if I give in charity on her behalf?' The Prophet (PBUH) replied in the affirmative. I said, 'Which charity is the best?' He replied, 'Providing water.' So, Sa'd dug a well on behalf of his mother and said, 'This is for my mother.'" (Sahih Bukhari, Book 55, Hadith 588)

This hadith is of vital importance! It underscores the immense reward and virtue associated with giving water to those in need, establishing it as one of the most meritorious forms of charity (Sadaqah Jariyah).

This reinforces the importance of donating water wells, as it not only addresses immediate needs but also serves as a continuous source of blessing. By contributing to this cause, you're participating in a form of charity that extends far beyond the initial act, embodying the true spirit of Sadaqah Jariyah.

Donate water in Muharram

Give a Lifetime Gift

Donating a water well during Muharram is more than a one-time charitable act; it's an ongoing source of blessings. Each time someone drinks clean water from your well, you accrue continued benefits. This enables you to contribute to people's well-being long after your initial donation. The donor receives long-lasting rewards from Allah (SWT) and making such donations during the holy month of Muharram enhances one's piety.  

It's more than just donating for water

Many communities, especially in barren regions, struggle with water scarcity. By donating to build a water well, you provide a reliable source of clean water essential for drinking, cooking, and hygiene. Your water well donations can bring the following changes to the lives of those in need. 


Clean water reduces the risk of waterborne diseases, resulting in healthier families and communities. Proper hydration is crucial for bodily functions; when the body lacks water, it becomes weaker and more susceptible to illnesses. Clean water keeps the body hydrated, maintaining vital functions and protecting against preventable diseases. Donate water wells through Al Mustafa Welfare Trust to safeguard vulnerable people from these health problems and provide them with the foundation for better overall well-being.


The task of gathering water often falls to women and children, diverting them from education and income-generating activities. A nearby water well allows them to dedicate more time to schooling and contributing to the domestic economy.

Improved sanitation

Access to clean water leads to better hygiene practices, creating a cleaner and healthier environment. Water donations help separate clean from dirty water, provide proper drainage systems, and improve overall sanitation. These Muharram water well donations have long-lasting impacts. Improve communities' living conditions by donating a water well to Al Mustafa Welfare Trust.

Donate to Build a Water Well

Al Mustafa Welfare Trust has initiated various water projects, including hand pumps, electric wells, solar community wells, and water purification plants, to provide families with clean water. While many have been installed, numerous communities still need help. Donate a water well this Muharram to support communities with clean drinking water and earn long-lasting rewards.

Donate today!

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