Mohammad Samiullah is just eight years-old. He lost both his parents recently, and was taken in by his older brother, Mohammad Mushtaq.

Samiullah’s siblings do their best to care for him. But they have their own families and children to support. Having an extra mouth to feed on a very limited income has put a strain on them. While providing their orphaned brother with an education is completely beyond their means.

Seeking support for his brother, Mushtaq applied to Al Mustafa Welfare Trust’s (AMWT) Orphan Sponsorship Programme. It wasn’t long before we found Samiullah a sponsor and enrolled him at Children's Planet –one of our AMWT schools in Islamabad.

In a very short time, Samiullah has become top of his class at school. A monthly sponsorship of just £28 has not only given him a free education. It also allows Samiullah to benefit from nutritious school meals; regular medical check-ups; as well as a dedicated care worker.

This winter, AMWT is ensuring all its sponsored orphans are dressed for winter, and that they have a warm place to sleep at night. But we have over 1,730 orphans on our database who haven’t found a sponsor yet. For them, school and medical check-ups are the least of their worries. They have their little hands full trying to keep warm now that the colds have set in. Most are too cold and hungry to grieve for their lost parents.

Please help us. For just under £1 a day, we can give another orphan like Samiullah, basic comforts like warm winter clothing and a hot meal. Please help us protect an orphan child from the bitter colds this winter. They’ve already lost so much.

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