World Human Rights Day is observed annually on the 10th of December. This day reflects the universal commitment to equal rights, freedom, respect and dignity for all. Also, it empowers people to build a better future across the world.

World Human Rights Day serves as a reminder of the continuous struggle against discrimination and oppression without distinction based on nationality, gender, religion, language, or any other status. Additionally, the day recognizes the efforts of humanitarian organizations working to protect these rights.

A Call to Protect the Voiceless

As we commemorate Human Rights Day 2024, it is important to remember the millions of people who are denied their fundamental rights daily. From the innocent lives trapped in war-torn areas to children fighting for their survival, the violation of human rights is a grim reality around the world.

According to UNICEF, over 1.8 million people in Gaza are constantly suffering, including thousands of children. These people need some form of basic rights such as water, food, sanitation and hygiene. Blockades, attacks and lack of daily resources have made every day a fight to stay alive. These numbers are more than just facts; they are a stark reminder of how humanity has failed to meet the promise of basic rights for all.

Humanity Cries for Help

Gaza is a stark reminder of how human rights can be taken away systematically. Families are torn apart, children are unable to go to school, and even necessities like food, water, and medical essentials are in dire shortage. While more than half of the people in Gaza live in poverty, they need immediate help more than ever!

The teams of Al Mustafa Welfare Trust witness the heartbreaking stories of children sleeping hungry without mattresses and quilts. Families mourn their loved ones while struggling to rebuild their lives after relentless attacks.

I miss the days when the sky was not full of fire. When I close my eyes, I see is the rubble where my school used to be. I dream of being a doctor, but how can I, when every day feels like it could be my last?

Ahmed Yousaf – 12 year old boy from Gaza

This Human Rights Day, let’s unite to stand against oppression and for justice. Your donations have the power to transform innocent lives in Gaza, Yemen, and Syria. you can restore hope to these children and people.

Donate to our Palestine & Gaza Emergency Appeal because your help will deliver food, medical aid, and safe shelters to those in desperate need. Every donation is a step towards restoring human rights for the oppressed.

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