Prophet Muhammad (saw) said: “There are no days on which righteous deeds are more beloved to Allah than these ten days” (Bukhari), meaning the (first) ten days of Dhul-Hijjah.

Your Donation

Donate in the best ten days of the year to reap a multitude of rewards.

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Every drop of clean drinking water saves lives. Give the Gift of life today.

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The sponsorship programme not only helps fight poverty but also provides access to education.

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Cataract Surgery Appeal

Without proper care millions will continue to live without the gift of sight. Donate today to give someone the gift of sight.

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Millions are in urgent need of life-saving food, medical aid and water. Donate today and help save lives in Yemen

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Palestine & Gaza Emergency

Gaza has been facing over 60 years of conflict and war. Countless people are still living in the rubbles of their former homes and amid the highest rates of unemployment & poverty they have witnessed.

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© Copyright 2023. Al Mustafa Welfare Trust® is a registered charity in England & Wales (1118492) and UK registered company 05581896.

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